The Mystery of Iniquity: Why God allows bad things Happen

21 04 2023

Many of you who witnessed the election on February 25th may be wondering why God allows bad things to happen.  Buhari and his footsoldier, Mohamed Yakubu, rigged the election despite all of the prayers and supplications. Why would God allow that to happen? These are the kinds of questions that have plagued mankind’s relationship with God for centuries and are one of the main reasons why many people have abandoned the faith, become atheists, and given up on religion. In this paper, we will look at why God appears to let things happen and what this means for our relationship with him.

One way to answer the question is to ask who God allows bad things to happen to. This is significant because we can all agree that bad things should happen to bad people. For example, if a person steals, he should be punished. However, most people disagree that bad things happen to good people. Are Nigerians good people? Though some Nigerians are good, there is ample evidence that the vast majority of Nigerians are not. Here are five reasons why Nigerians aren’t as good as we think.

1. Spread of corruption

Corruption pervades every sector in Nigeria, from public government circle offices to local government and all the way down to the lowest strata of society. Nigeria scores 24/100 in the global corruption perception index in the 2022 world global corruption index.  In layman’s terms, 24/100 is equivalent to an F9 at university. Furthermore, we are ranked 150th out of 180 countries in terms of corruption, with the highest score being the most corrupt. Some may argue that high-profile corruption cases in Nigeria occur at the highest levels. Nonetheless, it is equally true that the Nigerian state is corrupt at all levels.

2. The Nigerian Constitution is fraudulent.

The nation’s constitution is fraudulent and allows victors of electoral fraud to be sworn in and “enjoy” state powers while their cases are still being heard in court. Who would vote for a constitution that allows electoral fraudsters to be sworn in? This is why Bola Tinubu stated, “Power is not served ala carte; they must snatch it.” He is well-versed in Nigeria’s constitution. And indeed, Prof Pat Utomi of Arise TV argued that it was not Tinubu who said those words first, but Arthur Nzeribe, an Igbo, who said that it doesn’t matter if you bought the form for the elections, do your best to be declared the winner and then use the power of the state to frustrate and decimate the opposition. Thus, can a group of people be considered good people if they deliberately allow a loophole in their constitution that allows criminals to be rewarded for their criminal actions with the highest office in the land and allows them to “enjoy power”? 

3. Corruption of the Best is the Worst

According to Socrates, “The corruption of the best is the worst”, it follows that a country cannot, in theory, have a good population if the majority of its best citizens are corrupt. Universities are the center of learning in other parts of the world. Professors are involved in research, development, and technological advancements and they formulate economic policies that result in enormous wealth for other countries all the while molding young minds. Professors, however, are employed in Nigeria to rig elections beginning with the INEC chairman, Yakubu Mohammed, who is a professor of history and a university lecturer, who together with other university professors, are now spearheading the most primitive election rigging Nigerians have ever seen. However, by doing so, these professors have exposed themselves and let the cat out of the bag as to why Nigerian universities are being so poorly run by these professors, who have exposed themselves to be irredeemably corrupt.

4. Nigerians are narcissistic

Nigerians have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, despite the fact that most African countries outperform us in all indices of development. Consider our nearest neighbor, Ghana, which has a 9% higher education rate than Nigeria, while our East African counterpart Seychelles has a literacy rate of 95.9, while we barely reach 60%, and this holds true for all indices of development, as there is virtually no city in Nigeria with pipe born water, good roads, adequate supply of electricity, and or standard health care, yet we arrogate to ourselves the title of a giant. So the simple answer to the question, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” is so that those who believe they are good will realize they are not.  As a result, if we want bad things to stop happening and people like Tinubu to stop stealing your elections, we must stop stealing government funds to build our personal houses in the village. Let us stop misplacing people’s files in order for them to pay a bribe. Let us stop inflating government contracts fraudulently, or petty theft will be just another Tinubu or Yakubu waiting for an opportunity.

5. Nigerian are not united

The ethnic profiling, killing, and maiming of people, especially in Lagos, who are from a particular tribe, happened within a week after the elections were rigged. Instead of the entire Yoruba community rising up to denounce it, this is further proof that Nigerians are not good people. Nigerians should be fighting together for the new Nigeria that Peter Obi has proposed is possible.

Thus, the above five reasons, though not exhaustive, show that Nigerians are not as good as they think, and so when we ask “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people,” the answer may be that many people who think they are good are not, and bad things help them see their evil and change their ways. Another reason why God allows bad things to happen is the Christian belief that God, though he could have done it, did not create a closed world (where men are only robots and he alone can control what happens) but rather an open-ended universe (where men can actually make decisions that shape the universe, making it open to many possibilities). He made man in his image. He created man in his own image and likeness, giving him freedom and intelligence to choose between good and evil. Thus, we can use our talents for good or evil, creating a more violent and unjust world. We see that Buhari and his agent Yakubu Mohamed could have held free and fair elections to ensure justice for all, but they chose manipulation, injustice, and violence instead. Thus, men who choose evil are responsible for injustice and wickedness, not God.

However, this is why heaven and hell exist: God gave man the freedom to do as he pleases, but He also requires a strict account of every man’s use of that freedom at the end of his life. Those who used their freedom for good would go to heaven, while those who used it for evil would go to hell forever. Thus, God allows temporary evil and injustice in this world because all who do good or evil will receive eternal justice. The Bible says God lets the rain fall in good and bad weather and lets the weeds grow with the darnel until harvest, when he gathers the wheat into the granaries and burns the weeds in an unquenchable fire. Perhaps the ultimate end of Buhari, Tinubu, and Yakubu would be the eternal punishment of hell fire which God would inflict on them on the last day if they do not repent for this big theft in this life, but let us not think that we would escape hell if we don’t repent of our own petty theft. He who is faithful in little is faithful in much, and he who is dishonest in little is dishonest in much. Petty thieves are just Tinubu or Yakubu waiting for their chance.

6. Jesus Christ and the redemptive suffering

Jesus Christ—true God and true man—provides another explanation for why God allows things to happen. The sinless, innocent, and just one. God allowed him to suffer. Why? Thus, Christ died to redeem us from death out of love. Christ’s passion and death defeat evil and show us that suffering can be redemptive. The sinless one freely chooses, and embraces the Cross as an act of love, in perfect love and obedience to his Father, reconciling us to God and showing us how we must embrace the cross and suffering that comes our way in atonement for our sin and the sin of the world. According to the Catholic Catechism, sin makes men accomplices in criminal structures that lead to violence and injustice. Sins create ungodly social systems. Personal sins create “structures of sin.”

Hence, it is sins and immorality, not God that cause bad things. Thus, we must unite to restore public order and morality. But it must be remembered that the goal is not to purify structures, but to help people become moral again. No matter how much you purify structures, if you do not restore the people in them to morality, these sound structures will once again be endangered. Pope John Paul II said, “This is a task which demands courage and patience.” [23] Courage because we must not be afraid to clash with the prevailing atmosphere. And patience—changing society from within takes time. It takes many people working on different projects with like-minded people to promote schools and educational institutions that provide urgent human formation that eventually bring about the right moral environment.

Chinwuba Iyizoba

Editor: Authorschoice

US Elections: Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere.

5 01 2021
US elections

Just a few odds years ago, election fraud used to be a federal crime in the US, punishable by long jail sentences, but come January 6, 2021, the world would hear of election crimes as brazen as they come. They would hear about dead people voting in Michigan, they would watch footage of fake ballots pulled out of under the table in the middle of the night in Georgia, and voter intimidation, deception and fraud in Pennsylvania and so many more, all in the recent November 3rd US general elections. The only problem is that they would hear and watch these frauds knowing that the perpetrators aren’t hidden, but sitting right there in congress and nothing was going to be done about them and no arrest would be made. So what has changed in just a few odd years in America to make such travesty possible? The simple answer is n the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere.”

For years, the American people accepted injustices more egregious then racism and slavery, and did nothing about it. American congressmen and legislators have become accomplices in the violators of human life. Judges and politicians have grown old defending indefensible acts and passed judgments that violated tenants of law and justice. Law enforcements and intelligence communities have enforced unjust laws and Americans rolled over and moved on getting on with their lives.

Record has it that perhaps more than 1 million infants are killed each year in the US and more than 40 million since Reo v Wade in 1973 that legalized abortion in all three trimesters of pregnancy. Susan E. Wills, associate director of education for the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, USCCB, argues that “Roe is a symptom of and catalyst for a continuing decline in American culture and institutions.”  It represents a tragic failure of the government, an abdication of its duty to defend the vulnerable and innocent.”

With Roe, Americans ditched nobility and valor for cowardice and foolishness. Susan Will claims that “the judicially-created regime permitting abortion on request throughout pregnancy has eroded principles on which this nation was founded – the sanctity of life, the equal dignity of all, and impartial justice. Even the fundamental principle of self-government is shaken when seven unelected judges can overturn the will of the people expressed in the laws of 50 states.”

These judges usurped the right and duties of congress and legislature and fabricated a “right of privacy” that is not in the constitution and foisted it on the constitution and used it to strike down legitimate laws in all 50 states against abortion.

Their newly minted right gave women rights to terminate their unborn children in the womb without consequences. These judges also falsified history, claiming that abortion was a celebrated medical practice in the past that was interrupted by 19th century Christian prudes, a claim abhorrent to the Hippocratic Oath which has guided medical practice for 2000 years: “I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.”

Furthermore, these perjuring judges also falsified “personhood,” claiming that the unborn child is not a person because he cannot vote, a claim that Susan refutes as absurd  arguing that, “one does not have to be a “person” in the full constitutional sense, however, for a state to validly protect one’s life. Dogs can be protected from killing although they are not “persons.”13 And under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), people are prosecuted, fined and jailed for acts that may harm creatures, such as sea turtles, that are not “persons” in the full constitutional sense. Sea turtles are protected not only after they are hatched, but even while in the egg. In fact, each sea turtle egg removed from its nest constitutes a separate violation under the ESA, regardless of whether the sea turtle egg contained an embryo that was alive or “quick” or “viable” or even already deceased at the time of the taking.”

She concludes that Roe must be reversed to restore integrity to the Court, meaning to the Constitution, political rights to the people and their elected representatives, and most importantly, the right to life to children in the womb.

In conclusion,  Americans have not forgotten what election integrity is, they have only lost the moral authority to defend their most cherish values by failing to defend the most fundamental one on which the others rest, that is the  “right to life”.  You can read Susan Wills Ten Legal Reasons to Reject Roe

US Elections! Has the US become a banana republic?

13 12 2020

Those who think that the US election is about Trump are missing the big picture because they are successfully being manipulated by the mainstream media. No, rather, the elections are about life of the unborn, the future of religious freedom, the family and more. According to Dan Zeidler, a prominent pro life advocate, the Democratic Party not only promotes the expansion of legal abortion, but proves a significant obstacle to any attempt to provide any type of legal protection to children born alive after attempted abortion. He claims that a million or more children are killed each year in the US alone through abortion. This is what the Democrats are pushing relentlessly. If you wish to understand the mainstream media, negative and unrelenting attacks on Trump, then you must look at the mainstream media negative reporting and unrelenting attack on the life of unborn children, on marriage, on religious freedom, freedom of the press, and freedom of parents to educate their children.

We all saw a few years ago when the Little Sisters of the poor, a group little women, who have given their lives to serve the needy and abandoned in society dragged into court because of their religious beliefs. The so called Biden/Obama-care had as a major clause, an insidious attack on Catholic institutions, businesses and hospitals and that clause is that all employers must provide coverage for contraception and abortion for employee or face huge fines and if they default, their business would be foreclosed by the government. It was a veiled attempt, similar to those Christian persecution of the 2nd Century,  similar to the persecution in atheist communist Russia, to force Christian, especially Catholics to choose between their faith, the violate their conscience and do what is against their faith and morals such as sterilization, abortion and contraception.

Law suits and legal challenges forced the democratic government of Obama/Biden to offer the nuns a compromise, a form they could sign so someone else could provide the abortion. The nuns said no, because that would be facilitating something that is against their faith. The case was in Supreme Court when Trump came and rescinded the government’s decision and told them to back down. If you imagine that Biden/Obama could do this to nun, little nuns who take care of sick old people, what do you think he would do to Christian businesses, Churches, priest, convents, and monasteries all over America, owners of small businesses who are practicing Christians?

It is would not be significantly different from the age old threat of renounce your faith or die heard in the Roman amphitheaters back in the early days of Christianity. With Biden’s presidency, the attacks would probably continue if not intensify until all freedom are eroded, freedom of parents to educate their children, freedom of speech, freedom of priest to preach the Christian faith in churches…and many more. Trump is simply the last Frontline before the capitulation of the entire human society. The smokescreen attack on Trump, but in truth they are after you, and your freedom. Some say that Trump is a racist and that why they hate him. Let’s be honest, Trump has never been characterized as racist until he became president. He was best friends with many black celebrities. In the hay days when our beloved Michael Jackson was under attack by the so called left media all because he was a successful black man, Trump was his friend and gave him the best wing at his Trump Tower to live with his wife Lisa Presley. The race card played by the today’s Democratic Party is simply a ploy to get black votes they need to beat Trump, but they have even proven that they don’t need anyone’s votes because the world is witnessing what people thought was possible only in Africa, election rigging.

They rigged the elections to give Joe Biden 80million votes, the greatest number of votes in US history, surpassing even celebrities like Barrack Obama.  As videos evidence emerge that the recent US election was anything but free and fair, people are wondering how the US fell so low. The simple answer is the Democrats who have lost all form of decency and self respect and are willing to do anything to hold on to power. Trump’s four years in office has brought out the Democrats in their true color as nothing else has in the past. They have shown they can lie, libel and cheat. The invented a Russian hoax that cost the American public 30million USD and when the Robert Mueller report came out there was nothing credible in it. Next they tried to impeach the president for an honest phone call and that failed. They tried to block Justice Kavanaugh, the President’s Supreme Court pick, inventing lies and accusation that did not work. At last the pandemic gave them a good cover to try to steal the election with the mail in ballots, and here we are a month after the elections and no one know who the president would be and no end in sight.

Some say that they support Biden to become president because he is a good catholic. But that is an oxymoron, he is a catholic, no doubt, but a good catholic, I would argue no. A good catholic is someone willing to defend, teach and follow the most essential teaching of Christ and the church. “Thou shall not kill the innocent.”  A good Christian defends the life of others ready to even lay down their own life “Greater love than this no man has that he lays down his life for others” (John 15:13) .Many saints have shed their blood for less important teaching, but not Biden, this year he was part of the senate democrats who defeated the Republican led born alive infant protection bills that would ban most late-term abortions and threaten prison for doctors who don’t try saving the life of infants born alive during abortions.  Recently, Democratic governor of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s defended infanticide and argued that in the case a healthy baby is delivered during an attempted abortion, that baby would be kept alive and comfortable, while the doctor and its mother decide if the baby should be killed.

He does not support abortion, so he claims, but he is willing to obstruct any legal means to protect the unborn. He is like someone who does not support murder but obstructs anyone attempting to stop murder. If that is not hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. This is moral relativism; no he is arguably not a ‘good’ catholic, and perhaps not even a Christian.  The blood of millions of children, innocents poured out each year is something that someone will recon with on judgment day and I would not wish to be that person. Anyway, like in the novel “Lord of the Ring,” Strider finding himself out numbered went soliciting the help of the dead to defeat the army of Mordor. We too have to solicit the angels of the millions children killed in abortion, begging them to fight for us to defeat the dark forces of irreligion liberalism threatening the world.

Amy Corney Barrett is good for America and the World

27 10 2020
Justice Amy Corney Barret.

The recent confirmation and swearing-in of Amy Barrett to the US Supreme Court is something very significant and disruptive to the false feminist theory that motherhood and family shackle women down, preventing them from reaching heights attained by their male counterparts. For far too long, the image of the successful woman has been the movie star, single, or divorced but usually always childless, perhaps having had multiple abortions. This message has been devastating to adolescent girls who really wish to marry and have families, as well as reach the peak of their chosen careers. Now they know it is possible. A woman can be the best, even with children strapped to her apron.  Amy Corney Barrett has revealed to these young teens an alternative path to the same goal, but this time, family and children can come along. Amy is living proof that nothing holds a woman back except her own fears. Yes, a woman can have it all and more. Rarely have we seen a beautiful woman with seven beautiful children, most of whom are school-aged, shatter the highest glass ceiling in the philosophy, science, and study of law.

Her judicial philosophy of originalism, simply put, is the philosophy that proposes to interpret the law as it is, not as she would wish it to be. It is speaking the truth, it is the progressivism of truthfulness, of striving to decipher what the authors of the law had in mind when they wrote the law,  rather than imposing her own meaning, which unfortunately is all the vogue in a postmodernist America and indeed the world.  We see it today in mainstream media, journalism, and even the highest citadel of learning, the universities. In the humanities, subjective postmodernist textual interpretations are now institutionalized. Amy’s originalism seeks to confirm that reality is objective and not subjective. The law is what it is, not whatever she wishes it to be and more importantly, she wishes to respect the integrity of the authors of the American Constitution who wished to communicate something, Amy pledges to try to hear or understand what they is trying to say is to respect and recognize them as individuals, capable of making statements.

Those who attack her originalism argue that the US Constitution is a text written two centuries ago, and many of its provisions apply to today’s people. Though this argument, on the surface, seems logical, its underlying assumptions are that the social and civil ills that beset people two hundred years ago are fundamentally different from today. This is clearly false. Though we are technologically more advanced, the fundamental human problems of justice, equity, and fairness are much the same today as they were two hundred years ago, and will likely remain so till the end of time. Thus laws moderating life in society today should not be fundamentally different from yesteryears.

Amy Corney Barrett is an originalist because she loves the truth and believes that age-old maxim that says that the truth will set you free. In addition, she is a woman of faith, during the confirmation hearings, she caught the world’s attention when she said that she believes in the power of prayer and that she knows that many people are praying for her. With this, she shared the secret of her strength with the world. Her faith in God! She is a shining example of how faith should be lived. Some Christians wait for pies from the skies. Amy works hard, like anybody else; in fact, she works better than the best because she is not just working for money but for God.  This is how a Christian should work, says Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, as people who participate in the creative work of God, and since God’s works are always perfect, a Christian has to strive for perfection in his work because it is also something that has to be offered to God. Working like this and living like this, turning work into an occasion to serve God through her neighbors was something that Amy Barrett was very good at. Her work as a university professor brought her in contact with many people who she was able to help in one way or another. As a large-hearted Judge, asks herself before passing judgment, what she would do if she was passing the same judgment on her own child. This is how she feels and senses the pains of others.

In summary, Amy Corney Barrett’s love for the truth, her in-depth knowledge of law and jurisprudence, her philosophy of originalism, her human and spiritual empathy with others, and her strong love and faith in God are overwhelming evidence that she is an immense contribution to the Supreme Court of America and that her sterling qualities would have a great and positive impact on American lives and indeed the world for years to come.

Brett Kavanaugh’s INNOCENT! why he wept

4 10 2018

Breaking news, FBI just completed its investigations and found Brett Kavanaugh INNOCENT.

Last week, in tears, Brett Kavanaugh defended his innocence and honor and that of his family, against an accusation  so blatantly false, it rankles. Yet for that, liberal ideologues and their cronies, the fake media, steeped in lies and deception, are vilifying him. They say that he is weak and unfit for the Supreme Court.
He should have been able to keep calm, smiling, and cheering, they howl.

But they are wrong; Bretts tears showed that he is human. He isn’t the coldblooded and reptilian eyed judge they want, capable of sentencing millions of innocent unborn children to death, so that adults could have universal access to recreational sex.

Bret Kavanaugh is a kind man who weeps when women and children are violated.
He wept for the innocent men and women whose honor and good name would follow his to the refuse bin, if falsehood triumphs.

He wept for his country, once the pinnacle justice, fair play, freedom and liberty, now at rock bottom and digging.
He wept because justice can no longer be expected even for a judge.

He wept for the people charged with upholding the constitution now blinded by rage and thirst for political power.

Perhaps,  he wept at the shock of realizing how far gone some people are along the path of perfidy, as they try to rationalize an evil and fabricated liean uncorroborated sex assault allegation, rushed in at the very last minutes to derail his nomination hearing by a woman who couldnt get her story straight after 36 yrs.

The Fake news media sometimes admit that he is an upright man, but, they say, other people wont be willing to admit this and argue that he is a gang rapist. Now, how does he prove that he is not a gang rapist?

At other times, they say that he is always claiming that his conduct is clean, noble, and upright, and ask if he minds examining the matter again to see if, on the contrary, it might not be dirty, twisted, and ignoble.”

They are take polls to prove the obvious, yet cannot believe the results of their own polls because they have chosen not to believe.

The world isnt blind to the fact that the assault on Brett is an unscrupulous assault upon a basic natural right of all men to be treated with respect.

A minimum of justice demands that, even when actual wrongdoing is suspected, an investigation of sorts be carried out with caution and moderation, lest mere possibility be converted into certainty. Yet, he has been pronounced guilty till he proves himself innocent. And they proceed to carry out an autopsy of every inch of his private life.

It is clear that an unhealthy curiosity to perform last minute autopsies on a good name built over long years of hard work and selfless sacrifice for his country should be ranked under the heading of perversion.

Faced with traders in suspicion who prey on the intimacy of others, we must defend the dignity of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, because it’s to defend the dignity of every person and his right to peace. All honest men, Christians or not, agree on the need for this defense, for a common value is at stake: the legitimate right to a good name unsullied by false accusations.

Brett Kavanaugh wept because he was forced to declare all the good works he did in private, publicly. But for the rash accusation, he would have wished them remain hidden, and for the eyes of God only.

And yet, for declaring them, and not slinging a ton of mud upon himself instead, his critics immediately assume that, in addition to being a devious villain, he is also hypocritical and arrogant.

Yet the truth is out, thanks to false accusations. Now we know that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, never took advantage of any woman that he was a virgin at college , an indictment of liberal sex addicts prowling arround college campuses, and a good example to the young. Brett saw in every woman, a sister and a mother, worthy of honor and respect.

In defending Judge Brett Kavanaugh, we are defending, no less, the right to do good without publicity, to help the disadvantaged out of pure love, without feeling obliged to publicize ones efforts to serve others, much less to bare the intimacy of ones soul to the indiscreet and twisted gaze of persons who know nothing and want to know nothing of disinterested generosity, except to mock it mercilessly.

But how difficult it is to be free of this meddlesome sleuthing. The means invented by liberals to prevent this good man from being left alone have multiplied

More women are coming up with more incoherent accusations, all of them vague and shifty, puppets of their liberal sponsors.

Lets all close ranks and defend this innocent man, Brett Kavanaugh against those vilifying him, for who knows? You might be next.

Article by Chinwuba Iyizoba
Editor of Authors – choice

Supreme Court sides with Christian Baker: Jack Philips

4 06 2018

The Supreme Court held Monday a Christian baker’s religious liberty was violated when Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission penalized him for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The 7 to 2 ruling found the Colorado Civil Rights Commission did not view the baker’s case with “religious neutrality.”

“The reason and motive for the baker’s refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote in the opinion for the court.

Though the court sided with the baker, it did so narrowly, noting, “It is proper to hold that whatever the outcome of some future controversy involving facts similar to these, the Commission’s actions here violated the Free Exercise Clause.

Life is a story: UNIV Nigeria 2018

8 03 2018

Special guests; Dr. Darligton Agholor, Rufai Oseni , Ikechukwu Onuoma Esq, Prof. R.A.C.E Achara

UNIV Forum draws together hundreds of university students from all over the world. They come to expand their horizons, exchange ideas and reflect on important issues affecting youth and society.

Marking its 50th anniversary this year since beginning in Rome, in 1968, more than 3000 young people the world over have had their ideas come alive and grow thanks to the forums.


Some University students, participants at the UNIV 

Each year, during the forum, Nigerian students meet and discuss and listen to each other and other people from different cultures, explaining the challenges facing society. This year, it was the turn of students from University of Ibadan, Pan Atlantic University, University of Lagos, University of Nigeria, University of Benin and the Industrial Technology, to rob minds and share experiences at the Pan Atlantic University.

Sharing ideas and listening to others

During a keynote address by the coordinator, UNIV NIGERIA, Ikechukwu Onuoma Esq, he said that life is a story, written in the first person, counting on the others.



Ikechukwu Onuoma Esq

No man is an island,” he continued, “no man is a single verse; rather, we all make up a single poem. “

Young people see the greatness of the world and its failings, and experience both wonder and dissatisfaction. They feel and desire change, along with insecurity and fear, never knowing whether they will fail or succeed, they are restless. 50 years ago, this restlessness led the student revolution of May 1968, a revolution that overthrew all authority. The protesters confused freedom with license, opening the way to a relativistic society. Yet, like all false ideologies, 68′ student revolution did not foster the true greatness of man but rather diminished it. To be effective, a genuine revolution needs reflection; it needs to listen to the deepest truth of the human heart. Otherwise, the revolution ends in chaos and debris. We all need to ask ourselves how we can build a better, more just, more human and cleaner future today.”

Please join us to stop this evil: SIGN up 

23 09 2017

The workers of iniquity have come up with a new plan: an old Islamic  trick to yoke us into slavery with a bill called the NGO bill. Please watch the video description of this bill and sign the petition to stop it immediately 


I signed a petition to House of Representatives: Federal Republic of Nigeria which says:


Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Mike Pence Defends Life (VP Debate)

5 10 2016


During tonight’s vice presidential debate, pro-life Indiana Governor Mike Pence took a solid pro-life view articulating the case that society will be judged by how it defends its most vulnerable persons — including unborn children the disabled and the elderly.

Borrowing a quote from Mother Teresa, Governor Pence said that we ought to “welcome children into the world.”

“I would tell you — the sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief that ancient principle where God says before you were formed in the womb I knew you, and so for my first time in public life, I sought to stand with great compassion for the sanctity of life,” Pence said during the debate.  “Society will be judged by how it defends its most vulnerable – the aged, the infirm, the disabled, and the unborn.”

“The state of Indiana is also — sought to make sure we expand alternatives and healthcare counseling for women — non- abortion alternatives. I’m also pleased with the fact we are well on our way in Indiana to becoming most pro- adoption state in America. I think you’ll be pro-life you should be pro- adoption,” Pence continued.

“People need to understand — we can come together as a nation. We can create a culture of life — more and more young people today are embracing life because we know we are — better for it. Like Mother Teresa said — bring — let’s welcome the children into the world. There are so many families around the country who cannot have children,” the governor added. A society can be its most vulnerable — the agent the firm the disabled and the unborn. I believe it with all of my heart.”

The governor also said he was proud to share the same ticket as Donald Trump, who is campaigning as a pro-life advocate and who has said he would appoint the kind of judges pro-life voters want to see and has committed to signing a bill to defund Planned Parenthood.

“I couldn’t be more proud to stand with Donald Trump who is standing for the right to life,” Pence said….. STEVEN ERTELT

Article courtesy of Lifesite

How LGBTQ Won by Peter Hitchens

21 08 2016

The Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Queer lobby groups have won in England according to Peter Hitchens and those who oppose gay marriage or allowing young people to use drugs are in for rough times

Please watch the Peter Hitchens vs Dan Savage debate and judge for yourselves.

Wow! Dolly Parton’s getting Married @70

4 05 2016

Dolly patton

The very day Dolly Parton moved to Nashville in 1964, the 18-year-old aspiring singer met Carl Dean at the Wishy Washy Laundromat. Two years later, just before Parton had released her first album, the couple were married in Ringgold, Georgia, with only her mother there as a witness.

In the years since, Parton became country music’s most iconic star, while Dean ran an asphalt business and stayed resolutely out of his wife’s limelight. Since then, the pair embraced that unusual formula for marital success, but come May 30, they’ll celebrate their 50th anniversary in uncharacteristically public style, Parton tells PEOPLE.

“We’re going to get married again!” says the star, who releases her autobiographical movie Coat of Many Colors on DVD this week. “I’ll have a beautiful wedding dress, ’cause I didn’t have a big, long wedding dress when we got married and we’ve got a suit for him, so we’re going to dress up and take a bunch of pictures.”

Parton plans to sell the photos to benefit her Imagination Library literacy charity, an idea she was “shocked” her husband went along with.

“My husband is a loner,” she says, of Dean, who has rarely been seen in public with his famous wife. “He doesn’t particularly care about being around anybody but me. He’s just always asked me to leave him out of all this. He does not like all the hullabaloo.” And yet, she adds, “he’s always been supportive. He’s like a brother and a father and a friend and a husband and a lover – all of those things to me. I think he’s kind of proud that we’ve been in it this long!”

Parton admits she can’t fathom where the years have gone and says she finds it hard to believe she turned 70 in January. “In my mind I think I’m the same age I was when I came to Nashville,” she says.

The singer celebrated that milestone with friends at her condo in Nashville. “I had a bunch of girlfriends over and we had Mexican food and margaritas and laughed our asses off and drank and forgot we were 70!”

Source MSN

Can Big Media Destroy Ben Carson?

20 11 2015

In the last few weeks you and I have witnessed the most vicious, dishonest attacks ever unleashed by the leftwing news media against a political candidate.

Make no mistake, this was a well-planned, cold and calculating attempt to drive Ben Carson from the race to the White House.
It is a coordinated media effort to drive the one person who is sure to defeat Hillary Clinton out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

It was all lies, but the media was sure that if they struck fast enough, told lies that were big enough, and broadcast their attack broad enough, Ben Carson would fold. He would walk away with his tail between his legs.

Ben Carson has fought back against this attack on his character, his integrity, and his trustworthiness with a powerful weapon—the truth.

That’s why we must stand with him!

Even as the media continues to promote their dishonest narrative although the facts have come out.

Ben Carson said that he was verbally offered a scholarship to West Point.
The media said that has to be a lie because West Point does not offer scholarships.


It turns out West Point has run ads talking about a full paid scholarship to West Point like the one shown below.

ben 2
The words in the red box say…

“Each year about 1200 men and women take advantage of the opportunity to attend West Point on a full government scholarship which includes tuition, room and board, medical and dental care, and an annual salary.”
The media said Ben Carson claimed he had applied to West Point.


In the same book where Ben Carson talks about the verbal offer he received from General William Westmoreland to go to West Point, Ben Carson states flatly that he declined the offer and that the only school he applied to was Yale because he only had enough money to apply to one school.

What about the weird charge that Ben Carson made up the stories about his violent temper in his youth, especially the story of Ben attempting to stab another boy and then asking God to take away his temper.

That event has now been verified by a May 11, 1997 issue of Parade Magazine in which Sonya Carson, Ben’s mother, tells the interviewer about that particular episode and about young Ben Carson’s temper. The cover for that issue of Parade Magazine is shown below.

ben 3
Then there was the lie that Ben Carson made up the story of attending a Yale University psychology seminar where the professor said all the tests had burned up and now the students needed to take a
new, much harder test.

Carson said he stayed and took the test even though the other students walked out. When he became the only one in the room, the professor confessed that it was an experiment to see who was the most honest student in the room. That was, of course, the last student, Ben Carson.

Politico and others said this was a lie, but it turns out that the story of that event was published in the Yale University student newspaper.

So, the attacks on the character of Ben Carson were lies, all lies.

And, the news media apologized, right?

Of course not, the liberal media never apologizes.

Instead, they doubled down on their lies and are still promoting them today.

That’s why your approval to place your name on this Letter of Support for Ben Carson is so very important.

Don’t let the corrupt media tarnish the reputation of this great man!

Ben Carson is not only ahead in the national polls, he is also now ahead in Iowa, South Carolina, Tennessee and Michigan.

And, he is picking up momentum each day.

Ben Carson is not the Republican candidate for president, he’s certainly not the Democrat’s candidate for president, he’s the American candidate for president. Ben Carson is the one man who will not compromise his integrity or his principles for political reasons.

And, the candidacy of Ben Carson scares the bejeebers out of the Democrats.

Polls show that unlike any other Republican contender for the GOP nomination, Ben Carson beats Hillary Clinton by 10 points!

In other words, Ben Carson would win the White House in a landslide.

So please don’t let the lies and distortions of the news media stand.

Courtesy of NationBuilder,

Who is Out of Touch About Female Restrooms? Dr. Ben Carson or LGBT by Peter LaBarbera

10 11 2015

WASHINGTON — Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera today accused Chad Griffin, president of the high-powered homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign, of “reverse bigotry” after Griffin smeared GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson for allegedly acting like a “segregationist.” Griffin made the absurd and ugly charge after Carson said that cross-dressing men and women should have their own “transgender restrooms” rather than make people uncomfortable by using bathrooms not designated for their biological sex. [AFTAH release continues after video clip below]:

Asked by journalist-activist Jorge Ramos, “Should transgender men and women use any public bathroom they choose,” Dr. Ben Carson calmly responded, “How about we have a transgender bathroom?”

Carson continued: “It is not fair for them [cross-dressing “transgenders”] to make everyone else uncomfortable. It’s one of the things I don’t particularly like about the [LGBT] movement. I think everybody has equal rights, but I’m not sure anybody should have extra rights—extra rights when it comes to redefining everything for everybody else, and imposing your view on everybody else, when the way this country was designed was live and let live.”

ben carson

HRC’s Griffin blasted Carson in a press release:

“Ben Carson’s hateful comments are out of touch and all candidates should immediately make clear that they disavow his dangerously transphobic views,” he fumed. “Ben Carson can’t go a week without invoking reckless and irresponsible stereotypes about the LGBT community, and his suggestion that transgender people be required to use segregated bathrooms echoes an ugly past our country should never revisit.”

LaBarbera responded:

“Shame on Chad Griffin for invoking racist Jim Crow laws against an African American man to justify the insanity of allowing gender-confused men to use female restrooms. The bottom line here is that a rich, powerful white homosexual activist in Washington, D.C., Chad Griffin, is a accusing a thoughtful black man, Dr. Ben Carson—who rose from humble roots to become a prominent neurosurgeon and a role model for youth everywhere—of being the moral equivalent of a Jim Crow racist. Why? Simply because Carson believes that girls and women should not be forced by ‘transgender rights’ laws to suffer the indignity of having their private spaces invaded by sexually confused men in dresses who think they’re women.”

On Tuesday, Houston voters overwhelmingly rejected—by a 61-39 margin—the city’s proposed LGBT “HERO” ordinance, which would have banned so-called “gender-identity nondiscrimination,” thus allowing gender-confused men and boys to use female-designated restrooms, and vice versa. Pro-family advocates who won the landslide “No” vote campaigned heavily on the dangers to women and girls of letting men into private female restrooms.

Chad Griffin - Washington, DC

Chad Griffin of Human Rights Campaign

Said LaBarbera: “I ask you: who is truly out of touch here regarding men in female restrooms? Dr. Ben Carson with his common sense yet regrettably necessary solution–or Chad Griffin—the powerful lobbyist for a pro-Democrat Washington homosexual organization? Ask any woman: I think most would side with Carson.”

LaBarbera added that the danger of the proposed federal LGBT “Equality Act” (HR 3185)—which he dubbed the “Homosexual-Transgender Superiority Act” and the “Criminalizing Christianity Act”—is that it would put federal government power behind the brand of “reverse bigotry” espoused by Griffin.

“It’s bad enough that decent people are being accused by vicious homosexual zealots of ‘hate and bigotry’ simply because they uphold historic Judeo-Christian norms for sex and marriage and defend their First Amendment freedoms,” he said. “But imagine the mom-and-pop owners of a family business facing federal ‘civil rights’ prosecution merely because they won’t allow a big-boned, sex-confused guy wearing pumps and a skirt to enter the female restroom in their establishment? Are we really going to force women to have their private spaces violated in the name of LGBT ‘Equality’?! Are Chad Griffin and HRC anti-women?”